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Shocking VBS Virus !

It Is an Funny VBS virus ! Just Copy It and Paste In notepad & save it as The Name Of Funn.vbs and Enjoy !

On Error Resume Next
StrAgentName2 = "MERLIN"
StrAgentPath2 = "C:\Windows\Msagent\Chars\" & strAgentName2 & ".Acs"
Set objAgent2 = CreateObject("Agent.Control.2")
ObjAgent2.Connected = TRUE
ObjAgent2.Characters.Load strAgentName2, strAgentPath2
Set objPeter = objAgent2.Characters.Character(strAgentName2)
ObjPeter.MoveTo 700,300
ObjPeter.Play "GetAttention"
ObjPeter.Play "GetAttentionReturn"
ObjPeter.Speak("Hi I'm RASHID here to take control of your computer")
Wscript.Sleep 1000
Set objAction= objPeter.Hide
Do While objPeter.Visible = True
Wscript.Sleep 250
Wscript.Sleep 100
On Error Resume Next
StrAgentName2 = "MERLIN"
StrAgentPath2 = "C:\Windows\Msagent\Chars\" & strAgentName2 & ".Acs"
Set objAgent2 = CreateObject("Agent.Control.2")
ObjAgent2.Connected = TRUE
ObjAgent2.Characters.Load strAgentName2, strAgentPath2
Set objPeter = objAgent2.Characters.Character(strAgentName2)
ObjPeter.MoveTo 700,300
ObjPeter.Play "GetAttention"
ObjPeter.Play "GetAttentionReturn"
ObjPeter.Speak("downloading virus . . . 20% . . . 40% . . . 60% . . . 80% . . . 100% virus downloaded")
Wscript.Sleep 1000
Set objAction= objPeter.Hide
Do While objPeter.Visible = True
Wscript.Sleep 250
Wscript.Sleep 100
On Error Resume Next
StrAgentName2 = "MERLIN"
StrAgentPath2 = "C:\Windows\Msagent\Chars\" & strAgentName2 & ".Acs"
Set objAgent2 = CreateObject("Agent.Control.2")
ObjAgent2.Connected = TRUE
ObjAgent2.Characters.Load strAgentName2, strAgentPath2
Set objPeter = objAgent2.Characters.Character(strAgentName2)
ObjPeter.MoveTo 700,300
ObjPeter.Play "GetAttention"
ObjPeter.Play "GetAttentionReturn"
ObjPeter.Speak("watch as I open your cd drive")
Wscript.Sleep 1000
Set objAction= objPeter.Hide
Do While objPeter.Visible = True
Wscript.Sleep 250
Wscript.Sleep 100

Set oWMP = CreateObject("WMPlayer.OCX.7" )
Set colCDROMs = oWMP.CdromCollection

If colCDROMs.Count >= 1 then
For I = 0 to colCDROMs.Count - 1
Next ' cdrom
End If

Wscript.Sleep 100
On Error Resume Next
StrAgentName2 = "MERLIN"
StrAgentPath2 = "C:\Windows\Msagent\Chars\" & strAgentName2 & ".Acs"
Set objAgent2 = CreateObject("Agent.Control.2")
ObjAgent2.Connected = TRUE
ObjAgent2.Characters.Load strAgentName2, strAgentPath2
Set objPeter = objAgent2.Characters.Character(strAgentName2)
ObjPeter.MoveTo 700,300
ObjPeter.Play "GetAttention"
ObjPeter.Play "GetAttentionReturn"
ObjPeter.Speak("lol I now open internet explorer")
Wscript.Sleep 1000
Set objAction= objPeter.Hide
Do While objPeter.Visible = True
Wscript.Sleep 250
Wscript.Sleep 100
Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
WshShell.Run "iexplore http://www.Google.Com", 9
WScript.Sleep 10000 ' Give ie some time to load


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